WECode Resources

WECode is offering on-campus housing options thanks to our student volunteers. If you would like to be hosted by a student within the Boston area, please complete the Attendee Campus Housing Form! Although we cannot guarantee a match with a student host as availability is limited, we strongly encourage you to join the WECode Family Slack workspace and use the #housing-2024 channel with the following spreadsheet to find roommates to split potential costs of housing.

External Resources

If you would like to explore other options for housing, we recommend browsing through sites such as 
- booking.com
- expedia.com
- hotels.com
- priceline.com

Some online booking sites offer student promotions or seasonal discounts, so definitely seek out these opportunities!

Common housing questions

Where is the conference being held?
What are common modes of transportation within the Cambridge/Boston area?
How long should I book my stay for?
How can I get around the Harvard campus?
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